The Athenaeum School of the Arts
Student Artwork & Testimonials
Read testimonials from real Athenaeum School of the Arts students and see examples of their art works. Click on the images to see them full sized. You, too, can create art and join the Athenaeum's artist community!
Search Student Testimonials:
- Adele Fader
- Adriana Heldiz
- Alan Cohen
- Alison Howard
- Allison Ellner
- Amy Williams
- Anne Finch
- Anne Porter
- Anne Zadek
- Annie Irwin
- Anonymous
- Avi
- Barbara Higelin
- Bella Bishop
- Beth Manke
- Bianca Romani
- Bina Patel
- Brenda Sacks
- Brent Jacobs
- Brigitte Hawley
- Candy Cumming
- Carla Fox
- Carol Broad
- Carol Denenberg
- Carol Stanley
- Caroline Hightower
- Caroline Morse
- Catherine Austin
- Catherine Robbins
- Charles White
- Chris Cernosia
- Christopher Kearns
- Chuck Laughlin
- Cindy May
- Cindy Purvance
- Claire Hsu Accomando
- David Krimmel
- Debby Titlow
- Diane Tindall
- Dina Zuanich
- Donna Dahl
- Edith Sanchez
- Edith Scripps
- Elaine Hall
- Elena Romanowsky
- Elizabeth Brydolf
- Elizabeth Winant
- Ellen Gould
- Ellen Speert
- Fabiola del Aguila
- Farrah Golchin
- Fiona Bechtler-Levine
- Gail Titus
- Gita Mehta
- Glenn Gutridge
- Grace Benton
- Heather Shorack
- Helena Angelides
- Ingrid Turner
- Jain Malkin
- Jan Fronek
- Jane Echols
- Jane Rand
- Jean Snow
- Jeanne Ferrante
- Jeanne Milbrath
- Jennifer Meek
- Jeri Feldman
- Jill Murray
- Jill Zukovich
- Jim Grossman
- Joann Siegfried
- Joel Cook
- John Slate
- Josephine Von Herzen
- Judi Nyerges
- Judith Langhoff
- June Rubin
- Karen Sage
- Karen Weir
- Katherine Johnsen
- Kathleen Howarth
- Kathleen Kriegman
- Kathy Gonzales
- Lacey Colmore
- Laura Staisiunas
- Laure Brost Halliday
- Leonard Calhoun
- Leslie Harnish
- Leslie Ray
- Leslie Zwissler
- Linda Franson
- Linda Morton
- Mapenzi Sefu
- Marci Wenn
- Margo Wilding
- Mariana Adan
- Marie Nelson
- Marie Vickers
- Marilyn Schendel
- Mark Pullin
- Marti Blair
- Mary Ann Beyster
- Mary Ann May
- Mary Beth Klauer
- Mary Lynn Price
- Mary Pennell
- Mary Reavely
- Michele Moritz
- Michele S.
- Nancy Phillips
- Nancy Wills
- Nichole Condon
- Pamela Foley
- Pamela Taunton
- Patricia Grabski
- Paula Price
- Paula Verdu
- Paulette Rodgers Leahy
- Pauline Beausoleil
- Penelope Coscia
- Petey (Melora) Dietz
- Piper Underwood
- Priscilla Heisel
- Priscilla Monger
- Rachel Laffer
- Rebecca Randall
- Robin Anderson
- Robin B. Luby
- Robin Flink
- Robin Nordhoff
- Robyn Bottomley
- Ron Jessee
- Ruth Bales
- Sally Dubois
- Sandra Coletta
- Sandy
- Sara Matta
- Scott Biel
- Shaney Watters
- Stacy Keck
- Stephanie Friedrich
- Sue Alper
- Sue River
- Susan O'Brien
- Susi Graff
- Suzanna Neal
- Suzanne Kuempel
- Suzanne Miller
- Suzanne Ofeldt
- Tom Vancisin
- Tracy Collinsworth
- Vicky Buchheit
- Yelena Chaulk
- • ABC: Altered Books & Collagraphs
- • Acrylics For Everybody
- • Art For Inspiration Expression And Healing
- • Collaging In Space—Dimensional Collage
- • Contemporary Painting And Mixed Media
- • Creative Color Mixing And Painting
- • Failure As An Art Form
- • Focus On The Features
- • Focus On The Features—Master Copies
- • Foundational Watercolor Using A Classic Method
- • Handmade Pottery-Making
- • Hands And Feet For All Levels
- • How To Take Better Smartphone Photos
- • Impressionism / Post-Impressionism Using Alla Prima
- • Impressionism Into Fauvism
- • Impressionists And Expressionists Alla Prima
- • Inspiration Through Exploration
- • Introduction To DSLR And Mirrorless Photography
- • Introduction To Photography
- • IPhone Photography Workshop
- • It’s Personal: Seeing Your Photographs / Finding Your Voice
- • Let's Try It: 8 Weeks 4 Different Mediums
- • Loose And Easy Pen & Ink & Watercolor
- • Oil Painting Techniques: Finding Your Personal Style
- • Oil Painting Techniques: Landscape Painting
- • Oil Painting Techniques: Methods And Materials
- • Oil Painting Techniques: Still Life Painting A—Z
- • Painting & Drawing The Human Figure
- • Painting Bootcamp
- • Painting For The Adventurous—Go Abstract
- • Photographing San Diego
- • Plein Air (Landscape Painting) In The Golden Hour
- • Plein Air Painting In The Golden Hour
- • Potpourri Of Book Arts
- • Practice Makes Perfect: Developing A Sustained Drawing Practice
- • Printmaking In The Print Studio: Linocuts And Monoprint
- • Rock Paper Scissors: Collisions Of Brilliant Moments In Collage
- • Seated Figure For All Levels
- • Tattoo Your Clothes / Visible Mending
- • The Art Of Drawing From Photos
- • The Creative Process: A Joyous And Healing Experience
- • The Dance Of Art And Words: An Afternoon Escape Into Creativity
- • The First Cut—An Introduction To Making Collage
- • The Five Important Components To Better Oil Painting
- • The Painted Image: Making Art From Snapshots
- • Travel Sketchbook Workshop
- • Watercolor For Everybody
- • Wild Abandon In Sketching And Watercolor
- • Wobbly Mandala Workshop
- • Writing As An Easy Art
- Anna Stump
- April Mitchell
- Dr. Cliff Oliver
- Ernesto Rivera
- France-Marie Haeger
- Jean Krumbein
- Jeff Yeomans
- Jill Badonsky
- Joaquín Palting
- Ken Goldman
- Kevin Inman
- Kirsten Francis
- Lauren Siry
- Lisa Bebi
- Lori Mitchell
- Michelle Montjoy
- Pat Kelly
- Pierre Bounaud
- Rivian Bütikofer
- Sharon Carol Demery
- Sibyl Rubottom
- Stan Goudey
- Stephanie Goldman
- Suda House
Search Student Artwork:
Click on the images to see them full sized.

“A delightful workshop for kickstarting the brain and making both creative marks and creative, poetic writing. I enjoyed it very much. Thank you to all concerned!”
“The Wobbly Mandala course was a load of fun! Jill is a remarkable first-rate instructor. She walks you through the entire process step by step and is right there for questions or feedback.”
“Jill is talented, fun and has a magical way of bringing out the artist in everyone in an enjoyable way! If you are a timid artist and/or a perfectionist, take this class!”
“It is so nice to take a course from Jill because she is not interested in perfection. She is interested in creative flair and fun and so am I!”
“Very fun projects that I really enjoyed. They weren't overly hard or complicated. Just simple and fun to do.”
“If you are shy about your ability to draw or paint, but have always wanted to take a simple, stress-free, class to learn some basic techniques to get yourself out of your own head, this is the class for you. Jill Badonsky is not only an artist but she's a miracle worker. I was so nervous about taking an art class but with how Jill teaches, I promise you will learn a lot of techniques that will get you out of your own way! Just do it!”
“Jill is like an adventure guide into your own creativity. You'll discover that you are creative in ways you never thought you'd be. And you'll have a lot of fun along the way!”
“Love her ease and flow of how she presents the material. Lightheartedness, humor, relatability. Fun! It was exactly as I had anticipated, learned some new things. Enjoyed my time with all in the class.”
Instagram: @mvickers3353
“Jill’s class in watercolor was innovative, unusual and fun. I loved the ability she has to bring out the ‘wild abandon.’ Every artist, beginner to advanced can learn something new which was exactly what we all need.”
“As I’m sure you already know, Jill is a remarkable teacher! I don’t think I’ve ever learned more and had more fun than in her class!
This was my first art class since grade school and exactly what I needed during this time of the world turned upside down! Even if the world was ‘right side up’ I would still have loved it!
She has a wonderful presence and is a kind, nonjudgmental witness to us and still offers insightful, wise suggestions on how we could enhance our work.
Even though I’m a beginner, she has a way of instilling confidence and urges us to set aside perfectionism and comparison (two lifelong challenges for me). This, along with her sparkling sense of humor and warm, authentic nature has made taking this class; a truly JOY-full experience for me.
I sincerely hope that you will invite Jill to teach many more classes! She’s the bomb.”
“Staff (Amanda) and instructors (Lori and Jill) were so patient and helpful in helping all of us become comfortable using the Zoom format. Any hesitation I had in using an online format was quickly put to rest and I quickly enjoyed the time to have fun and create with inspiring instructors!”
Instagram: @dtindall982020
“Imagine enjoying your learning in the comfort of your own creative space with all your favorite things around you. Zoom classes are the next best thing to being in a classroom because they are get to see everyone and connect via discussions, questions, sharing, show and tell, breakout sessions and you get personal attention. Video demonstrations and presentations are very easy to view. I enjoyed the ZOOM classroom very much...the bonus is I live over 2000 km away from where the course was offered. Lucky Me!”
Instagram: @auntie_faffy
“I had not had much experience with watercolors or formal art classes and was really happy with the practical introduction to creativity and some very basic techniques to start watercolor painting with pen drawings. There was limited time for a lot of technique training but lots of hands on practice. The online class format was new to me and at times cumbersome but class would not have been possible otherwise. It was also much easier than driving from La Mesa where I live. I would be interested in what others thought of the experience.”
“Jill did an amazing job of making her class enjoyable online! I’d certainly take another online class with her.”
Instagram: @cummingcandy
“Jill’s course and teaching style lends itself to online. It’s fun, personalized and she is so dang ‘positive.’”
“Zoom opens up incredible opportunities to take a class with family and friends who live in other cities. A fun way to enjoy the experience together.”
“Zoom is the perfect way to learn to do art. No one is looking at your ‘mistakes’ and you can get personalized help any time you want it. So easy!”
“I have completed two of Jill's classes Writing as Art, and it has been a real refuge for me during the pandemic. She is funny, very supportive, and has such creative ways of helping you find your creative side. Everyone is included regardless of experience, and my writing skills have improved wonderfully.”
“Jill Badonsky always has a million fresh ideas to spark your creativity. And the response from the students is refreshing and fun! I looked forward to every class Like a little kid!”
“She was inspiring and gave great prompts for writing. Combine that with her art prompts and you have a super class for creative output.”
“Excellent, nurturing, supportive instructor. Joyous approach and lovely class members. I highly recommend Jill for nurturing creativity.”
“Writing As An Easy Art came forth at just the right time and place for my participation! Jill Badonsky made the class so free, fun and enjoyable on so many levels. She is highly skilled at bringing out the best in her students in an unforced, kind and playful manner. I highly recommend any future courses she teaches through the Athenaeum.”
“I loved, loved this class “Writing as easy as Art”, the fact that it was online enabled me to take the class given I don’t live near the Athenaeum, so taking it online fit my needs. This class was not only fun but inspiring, Jill Badonsky inspires and encourages you in your journey of Art and Writing! I love her energy and humor! The class was great and interactions were fun! I recommend this course or any one given by this instructor.”
“Thinking about and doing writing is very new to me. I am a scientist with no writing experience except for dry scientific papers. Jill encourages and offers the space to give it a try, and also be pleased with your results. So exciting.”
“I felt my creativity open in new and exciting ways. Jill and all the participants were wonderful.”
“This course combined writing and art in ways that strengthened my belief in my artistic/writing skills and boosted my creativity.”
“Writing as Art class combined writing inspirations and ways to approach writing in very creative and useful ways. Art and writing both go hand in hand and to lead one to a creative path.”
“Take yourself too seriously? Wish you could reconnect with childlike wonder? Then Jill is the coach for you. She brings delight to her classes.”
“I didn’t want this course to end. Each week, our instructor brought new, fun, thoughtful and surprising writing activities that felt refreshing, inspiring and playful. I especially liked the variety offered in the writing and image/picture prompts. Using Art to inspire writing and writing to inspire art is such a wonderful strategy designed to support my creativity and self-expression journey. Thank you Jill Badonsky and I can’t wait for the next class!”
Instagram: @auntie_faffy
“Jill Badonsky’s Writing As Easy Art course was a joy to be a part of! She is so skilled at bringing out the best in each of her students by way of fun, lighthearted experiences of both art and word that truly enrich, enliven and elevate. Consider taking any of her courses as you will be forever changed as you find or expand, (as whether the case may be), your creative voice!
I am also including a short bit of words that I wrote for an exercise we did on the last day of Writing as Easy Art, November 10, 2020.
Defining progress put her in boxes that never fit
Linear is what is expected but is never happening
Taken from understanding into feeling
She emerges unscathed from the trap time and convention tried to keep her in”
“Jill is amazing and her courses are fun and, often, deep. She helps us put perfectionism aside and opens us to discovering more and more creativity within each of us.”
“Jill was enormously engaging and encouraging. Her exercises and prompts helped me develop my style and tap into my squelched creativity. I look forward to taking more of her classes.”
“Lisa is one of my all time favorite art instructors. I have taken many classes from her and always am impressed with the amount of new & innovative techniques she teaches. She is very responsive to questions and takes a personal interest in helping each student with any problems they have with their art. She enjoys critiquing each work and has great suggestions.”
“I absolutely love the sense of fun and the atmosphere of camaraderie that Lisa brings to all of her classes! She shares knowledge, materials, tools and techniques that encourage the class to explore, and she inspires me to be simultaneously mindful and playful with my art. I let go of harsh self criticism and leave feeling good, which is so appreciated! Lisa is just a delightful human being and a wonderful artist and instructor!”
“Lisa's course on painting photos was excellent. Lisa is an amazing artist who is very generous in sharing all the details of her process and is very supportive of everyone's progress. I highly recommend this course for anyone interested in learning to paint from old photographs.”

“Pierre was informative and knowledgeable but beyond that, he listened to students’ questions/comments and responded with further information or demonstration, or both. He is very approachable and extremely patient - he is also realistic when helping students to set goals for the class.”
“Pierre was great at helping us all develop our hand-building skills. He was awesome at showing us how to shape and form our projects by using different techniques and tricks. He was patient and knowledgeable with all aspects of design, function and process, and was willing and able to offer helpful suggestions and insight on our creations. His class was fun and informative.”
Instagram: @artsygirlamy
“A very supportive and friendly instructor... Learned a lot in a fun environment.”
“Instructor was excellent, patient and informative, Pierre was awesome. I loved how thorough Pierre was in explaining the science or chemistry behind the various materials, i.e. why you approach it this way or that. He was someone that has such a good balance between the creative and the science.”
“Wonderful instructor......very very exciting and motivational!”
“This Class was wonderful and enlightening.”
“First of all let me say thank you for an eye opening, mind blowing fabulous 9 weeks. I so enjoyed every second of it and truthfully you have stimulated me oh so very very much. I needed the jump start that you provided and I thank you from the bottom of my heart.”

“Color mixing is a fundamental skill for a painter. The teacher is quite knowledgeable on the subject and communicates effectively. It's a fast-paced class, packed with important information. Sharon is an excellent teacher and a very pleasant person. I highly recommend this class.”
“So lovely to take a class from a distance and get such personal instruction and insights. I particularly enjoyed learning about the history of colors and how the Masters mixed!”
“Awesome class!”
“Best class I never knew I needed. Feeds the SOUL, especially in such a time of global upheaval and crisis. Designated time to be still, have fun, and even learn a thing or two!”
“Sharon Carol takes the complicated subject of color theory and breaks it down into user friendly color charts. The ways in which hues can be transformed into various tones, tints and shades was worth the price of admission! It was not as intimidating as I feared... she walks through the mixing of colors and you can watch her do this on her palette-easy to replicate when you watch it being done. Very valuable class that has already helped me to approach my painting with a clearer intention about color choices.”
Instagram: @1californiagirl
“This is the second ‘zoom’ class I’ve taken with Sharon Demery. I was introduced to her through my sister who lives in La Jolla. I live in Texas and plan on taking another class with Sharon. She’s a great instructor and with this format of zoom I am able to get her great knowledge of art. I highly recommend her and plan on continuing to take classes with her.”
“What fun to have this class online. It was very interactive with our teacher Sharon and the other students as well. I really appreciated being able to continue my art learning during this difficult time!”
“Sharon’s Alla Prima class was instructive, inspirational & so fun!”
“Sharon is such an amazing instructor. She is able to explain complex art techniques in a clear, concise way, with plenty of examples. She is passionate about art and painting but at the same time, she imbues her class with humor and a light touch that instantly makes her students feel at ease. People feel safe to experiment, try different things, and explore new avenues no matter how experienced of an artist they are. She addresses people's individual needs and interests and makes everyone feel included. She is also incredibly generous with her time and knowledge. Being around Sharon is truly an inspiration.”
“Sharon is an excellent teacher. She is well-organized, enthusiastic, engaging, and passionate about painting. She is extremely supportive of all students. I particularly appreciated her use of examples of artists' works to illustrate her teaching points. This is an excellent course with a unique concept and approach. I knew very little about fauvism, but was happy to try something new.”
“As usual Sharon doesn’t disappoint. She gave lots of examples to stir our creativity and references for those who want to dig deeper!”
“There are teachers who inspire you; teachers who open your eyes to new ways of thinking about your work, art, and life; there are teachers from whom you learn new technical skills; there are teachers who are fun, other are passionate. Sharon is all of these and more. Truly a phenomenal instructor who brings out the best in her students and opens up new horizons, even if you’ve been taking her classes for years. Highly recommend to beginners and advanced painters alike. I loved every minute and will be taking more classes with Sharon.”
“I learned so much from Sharon -- from the basics of oil painting, to techniques for better composition and color use and art history.”
“Sharon has been delightful in helping me loosen up my painting style... making the whole process more fun.”
“Each of the classes I’ve taken at the Athenaeum over many years have been outstanding. The instructors take their job seriously and are terrific teachers as well as artists. Currently I’m taking Sharon Carol Demery’s Fauvism and Abstract classes and hope to continue for years to come. Thank you to all!”
“Didn’t even know what fauvism was until taking this class, now I can create what’s known as a ‘wild beast.’”
“I have taken many classes with Sharon—she is a wonderful teacher for every level, and every painting style from abstract to fauvism. She has a wealth of experience and information. I learn something in every class.”
“Sharon is a really good teacher. She teaches techniques and was extremely interesting to paint in the Impressionist style and do the same painting in the Fauvist style. Learned a lot!”
“Sharon’s course was a brilliant balance of art history & practical application.”
“I learned so much in this class. Sharon is a super teacher who gives excellent advice on improving your own painting as class proceeds. I don’t think the learning experience was diminished at all by taking a zoom class versus the classroom experience. I was inspired by taking this class and will definitely be signing up for another.”
“Sharon is a gifted instructor. Patient, and always encouraging to her students.”
“Learning how to create abstract art is really hard, but Sharon Demery makes it fun and the fellow students in her class are as inspiring as she is—well almost!”
“I took Sharon's "Abstract Painting" classes over the past several years. She is an inspiring, creative artist as well as a patient, generous teacher. I was always encouraged to paint more by her positive, constructive feedback on my paintings.”
“Online Art classes at The Athenaeum are a welcome stress-reducer during COVID times. Despite the loss of shared space with your teacher, it is amazing how well art classes work in the virtual space.”
“This was a thoroughly enjoyable, worthwhile course. Sharon is extremely knowledgeable, effective and personable.”
“Sharon is a once in a lifetime instructor. Absolutely love all of her classes.”
“Sharon Demery’s approach to teaching uses examples, discussion, methods, and challenges to ignite creativity in her students. In addition to instruction, she is a coach. She cheers everyone on while offering kind critiques and assurance to each individual in the class. Her various approaches to teaching abstract painting make the impossible subject now possible.”
“Instructor very supportive and encouraging.”
“Sharon’s course inspired curiosity, creativity & courage!”
“I’ve taken classes for many years and am so please to be able to continue during these extraordinary days because of the introduction of online classes. Sharon Demery continues to instruct and inspire!
My 12-year-old granddaughter Zoe took the zoom class with me which made it extra special.
Thanks very much for making this experience happen for all of us during the pandemic. It’s so great to feel connected to other student artists and teachers”
“Taking Sharon Demery’s class (Going Abstract) in the ON-LINE format is just as inspiring as the regular studio experience and it is a whole lot easier on the students. I loved having no commute time and not having to pack up and transport my art supplies both ways. The technology took a little bit of getting used to, but no-one needs to be intimidated by it. I think the instructors may have to work a bit harder at ensuring and encouraging the broad participation and transmission of enthusiasm among students, since we can’t wander around and engage with each other. But with an attentive instructor, much of that great interaction is still possible on Zoom. I hope the Athenaeum will keep the on-line option going after we’re ‘back to normal’.”
“I loved the zoom format. I live in Texas and my sister takes from Sharon. I’ve been very impressed by her work since she’s been taking from Sharon. As a result of Covid 19, Pauline told me about the class. I got to have the great instruction with my sister and loved every minute of it, since I don’t live in La Jolla. I have enrolled to take her color theory class coming at the end of June, got my daughter to join in as well. 👍👍👍. Hope it is also on zoom.”
“I personally thought the zoom format worked very well. I will be signing up for two more classes.”
“I have taken this class in person and on Zoom. I have enjoyed both immensely! The zoom class is so convenient and easy to use—anyone can join and it is not overly technical to get started. I would love to have the option for both formats in the future.”
Instagram: @PBeauArt
“Take a Zoom art class! You don’t have to haul your art materials to a location only to discover you forgot something. Zoom is so much easier.”
“The zoom format lets you enjoy the instruction without the hassles. I am able to continue my journey remotely. I’d love to have the lectures presented on Zoom also.”
“Zoom means you can take the class anywhere... even when traveling. And friends, in different cities, can join you... making the class even more fun.”

“I highly recommend Kirsten’s collage classes. She is a terrific teacher and I learned so much.”
“A delightful class! The instructor presented weekly slide shows of collage artists and their works. Her demonstrations were very helpful, and her comments on student works were generous and helpful. The Zoom format offered a surprisingly intimate and friendly environment. I would love to take another class with Kirsten.”
“Kirsten Francis is amazing in her ability to teach collage, even with the obvious restrictions that Zoom creates. She is so informative and provides tons of reference materials. Kirsten is also so encouraging of the work the class shared every week. It was so much fun and very fulfilling to participate and I would highly recommend her course. I will happily take another class with her in the future.”
“Kirsten is such an amazing instructor. Her classes are planned and organized. She is helpful and inspires her students. She not only teaches techniques clearly, but she also gives students ways to try out new creative ways of doing collage. Kirsten planned and taught a fabulous course. I highly recommend it those new to collage and those of us who need some new techniques and inspiration.”
“This course is an inspiring, comprehensive dive into the world of collage. Kirsten is a very talented and generous instructor. Her presentations were informative, focused and inspiring. She was generous in sharing her personal techniques and insights. She shared her wealth of knowledge of a range of historical and contemporary collage artists and an array of collage techniques and supplies. It was exciting to participate in a class with a diverse group of motivated students. This class is excellent for both the novice and the experienced artist.”
“I’ve been looking for new ways to express myself creatively, and Kirsten’s collage class was exactly what I needed. Her expertise and guidance were especially helpful in teaching me new techniques that built confidence in working with a new creative medium. I’m excited to put these skills to use and keep creating new things!”
Instagram: @stacykeck
“This was probably the best online/in general art class I have taken. Kirsten was so well prepared and shared so many inspiring works. I also think the hallmark of a great class is when every student’s work looks different and it did!
Great variety of different exercises, well planned classes, I liked starting classes with a slide show of student work from the week, and my only complaint would be that it’s over too soon.
I can’t think of any improvement. As said, I appreciated all of the efforts put into creating a stimulating class. It also worked really well to have the 2 views of instructor and work. There was no fluff or padding that I noticed, everything was useful. I realize this may sound over the top but, as someone who has taken a number of online art classes in the past, this one really exceeded my expectations and gave me lots of ideas to make collage part of my art process”
“I loved the class, and would absolutely take it again. Kirsten did a great job adapting a class that should have been in person into zoom format. I learned so much and really enjoyed my time.”
“I loved it. Kirsten was well versed on every topic and provided valuable information on artists and techniques. Her approach is precise and empowering. I’d recommend it highly to anyone with an interest in collage and mixed media.”
“Kirsten was a great teacher and she definitely pushed me and the other class participants out of our comfort zones. Without this class I probably wouldn’t have tried as many types of collages!”
Instagram: @rajrandall_art

“I loved being outside in gorgeous locations with a terrific instructor! The demos were so helpful with specific tips with each medium. Such a talented artist and good critiques to help further our work!”
“At each location Ken created a detailed study of the landscape using a different media each day: watercolor, oil, pastel & acrylic. This allowed us to try new media or stick with our preference. After watching Ken’s demo, we worked on our own pieces and finished up with his gentle and encouraging critique of the group’s efforts. Inspiring, humbling, productive and very educational.”
“I enjoyed the spirit of adventure in painting plein air... you never know what to expect and the outcome is not always as important as the experience of just being 'out there' doing it. Ken gave me the confidence to experience this, using materials I have not used before outside of the studio.”
“I enjoyed the immediacy of painting outdoors. Ken guided us to create a good working sketch with proper proportions and how to build the painting with dark to light values to give life and dimension. As he said, color gets all the credit, and values do all the work.”
“Ken Goldman is a fantastic teacher!! He is so gifted in all mediums and he is kind and a great style!! He responds to each student at their level and encourages everybody!! Loved it Thank you”
“Ken is a knowledgeable and generous instructor whose teaching is based in classic fine art skills. He provides a clear process to support learning and individual expression.”
“Ken just published a book on anatomy of hands & feet, so this was sure to be an excellent experience. Bones, tendons, muscles are magnificently complex. Ken makes sense of these complicated subjects focusing on the artistic message. he made a challenging topic interesting, accessible and fun.”
“Ken Goldman wrote the book ‘Drawing Hands & Feet.’ This class teaches an understanding of the anatomy & how to draw simply. Good drawings lead to successful paintings.”
“Ken’s course really improved my technical drawing skills, and it was also very enjoyable! I found the course material to be very interesting and Ken has a great teaching style!”
“I really appreciated the Athenaeum adapting to Zoom during the covidl9 crisis, so that artists could continue learning and taking classes.”
“Anyone who is interested in drawing and painting the human form would enjoy Ken Goldman's classes. From beginners to more advanced students his classes are invaluable based on a lifetime of learning and practicing his craft.”
“This course was transformative! I now have a greater appreciation of the human form and its gestures as well as more confidence in my ability to draw.”
“Ken Goldman is great artist and instructor. He excels at teaching all levels of students with his encouraging comments. He is a devoted teacher and all styles will flourish.”
“I can't believe how my skills improved in just 6 weeks as a result of Ken's instruction. Really A+ level class and I'm very appreciative.”
“This course helps you master technical drawing skills and inspires you with its creative content!”
“I'm a beginner but took some drawing classes at NYC's Arts Students' League. Having recently moved back to San Diego, I found Ken Goldman's class online. It was very educational, and I also liked Ken's patient approach. It's got me excited for more Athenaeum classes to continue my exploration of art as well as re-ground myself in the community.”
“Ken is one of the best teachers I've had to date. Totally competent, and able to translate this to others. I will always try to take any class he offers if I possibly can.”
“Having Zoom classes with Ken & Stephanie has been an absolute life-saver during this crazy pandemic. Even the occasional technological glitch hasn’t phased them, or the students. Ken and Stephanie always find something creative and positive and their classes are so rewarding. Ken has a great way of finding the positives in your work and using that to develop other strengths.”
“Art Classes on Zoom offer greater flexibility. The instruction is both personal and inspiring. You can watch the instructor do their demonstration and do your own painting at will going back and forth without hesitation. Individual critiques and group critiques are up to you. Great versatility.”
“Zoom worked very well for me.”
“It is so comfortable working in my own studio and taking a class. I have a large monitor and Zoom has worked out flawlessly. You can click on any of the other participants and see what they are doing and also watch the instructor demos. And no parking issues!”
“I have been thrilled to be able to take their classes (just finishing Ken’s class, and adding Stephanie’s at the end of the month). I live in Orange County and am not able to attend local San Diego classes. This was a marvelous opportunity for me to study with these two wonderful artists from the comfort of my own home. I really enjoyed the Zoom format. In our class we had a different live model each week. Our teacher worked alongside us, demonstrating as we sketched/painted. We could watch him as well as work ourselves. He was available to help with any questions and look at our work. It was a wonderful experience. What a gift! Thanks to the Athenaeum!”
“I highly recommend Ken Goldman’s classes. He is tops in understanding the figure and how to draw or paint it, no matter your style or medium. He is helpful with ideas and comments that encourage the growth in your work.”
“Ken was encouraging, instructive & it was such an inspiring experience!”

“Stephanie encouraged us to be creative and gave excellent context to the masters we were studying. The course was so fun!”
“Very informative to study the Masters, the underlying structure of their portraits, and their creative variations. Choosing the ones we would like to copy gave us wonderful freedom to explore and learn. A wonderful addition to your classes!”
“It gets easier the more you use Zoom. Stephanie gives excellent feedback both during the class and in her own time.”
“So grateful for the opportunity to participate in this class via Zoom.”
“Best educational investment that I made this year. So thrilled to be able to take inspiring and expert instruction from world class artists.”
“The course was incredibly well structured and so interesting! The images used inspired creativity and Stephanie was so supportive and encouraging.”
“A wonderful experience for all. Sharing our work, Stephanie’s feedback and encouraging approach; Along with her academic knowledge and experience she is a brilliant artist and a very giving instructor.”
“Stephanie’s lecture at the beginning of each class focus on the specific goals and various approaches to the topic. Her in-depth analysis of technique, observation and wide range of styles is instructive and inspirational. I learned a lot.”
“Athenaeum classes provide high quality instruction in an encouraging and positive environment.”
“The course is excellent. One component that is especially enjoyable is the lecture at the beginning of each class. Stephanie will present perhaps two dozen examples of artistic styles, some may be great master drawings or paintings, and she will carefully explain the techniques that were used. Often this lecture is related to the subject of that specific class that day. Then she sends us all the images at the end of the day in an email. Zoom enables her to do this kind of lecture very easily and we can really see the colors and details much better than if we were in a live studio. Zoom works very well for her classes. We all adore Stephanie. She is generous in her comments always finding something to praise no matter what a student creates. This bolsters the confidence and enjoyment of attendees. I don't think there could be a better instructor. I have studied with Ken Goldman and Stephanie in live classes at the Athenaeum for about nine years and my progress and skill have improved dramatically.”
“This class is terrific. There’s a good balance of technique, critique and inspiration in each class. My artwork has improved significantly. Thank you, Stephanie!”
“While not quite the same as “live” classes, Zoom classes help students to maintain and continue to use and improve their artistic skills as well as to enjoy being with their art class friends! Stephanie is ‘The Best!’ Stephanie provides the ultimate conditions for learning: Clear instruction and demonstration, individual attention and feedback and an abundance of positive energy and encouragement!”
“A much better experience than I had hoped for.”
“I’ve taken Stephanie’s Focus on the Features class online and in person and enjoyed them both tremendously! Honestly, I was expecting the online class to be a little bumpy because of technical challenges but it went very smoothly. Stephanie did a great job fielding any issues that arose and the class all worked together to help each other figure things out. Stephanie provides about 30 minutes of instruction up front, adds her invaluable insights throughout the class and offers individual “breakout” sessions for critiques and assistance. She’s such a wonderful and positive teacher and I find her input to be incredibly helpful and useful. Aside from Stephanie, the best part of this class was that my best friend (who lives in another state) took it, as well. When would we ever get to have such a wonderful experience together outside of a Zoom class? This class helped me find a bright side to the pandemic!”
“I have now taken ten Zoom classes (not all at the Athenaeum) and find it to be a terrific platform with few problems. It is remarkably consistent and the functionality is great. They have anticipated what people would be looking for and have made it easy to use (for example, the private “conference” rooms). I also work with my private trainer on Zoom now. It is very user-friendly. I am looking forward to joining Ken Goldman’s class which normally causes me to have to drive to Bread and Salt (near Imperial Ave.) and it is sheer joy to now be able to have the same class while sitting at my 27” monitor at my desk with great lighting and not have to leave home! A total win!”
“The Zoom format worked very well. One of the highlights of Stephanie’s classes is the “lecture” she does at the beginning, using works of art to illustrate various techniques and issues. Each week it is different but always great.”
“The online experience was better than I expected. It enabled us to get the same viewpoint for our portraits and this was helpful to see the way in which each student differed in their interpretation-when Stephanie critiqued each of us, the information was applicable to all of us since the pose was identical. This increased the amount of useful information I could take away from her evaluations. The models were also very professional and fun to draw. Great course!”
Instagram: @1californiagirl

“I was called by Penny who informed me that this class was opening and that my friends wanted to make sure that I knew about it. I appreciated the personal touch from both Penny and my friends!!
Stan as always was an astute instructor with a clear vision for this class and his guidance is always kind, perceptive and intelligent. He is so willing to share his knowledge which is vast, and his demonstrations beautifully capture the concepts he is presenting
The structure that came with this class.... line drawing, value study, and a value painting using one color.... was something that I needed, benefited and enjoyed. The concept of VALUE has been a difficult one to grasp and to apply; the repetition of the art projects helped to instill, not master by any means, the concepts of lights, darks, shapes and connections. This class was a true learning experience for me.
As always, I am very appreciative of the Athenaeum's wide range of class, the expertise and knowledge of the instructors and the kind, quick responding support staff that make these ZOOM classes available!”
“This course taught me to look beyond hue to color value and how to incorporate that knowledge into composition. Stan gives great demonstrations and manages a range of skill levels in the same class with aplomb. Thank you!”
“If you paint with acrylics, you would love Stan's class. Very knowledgeable and has a wonderful ability to apply this to his class.”
“If you want to wake up your creativity and learn multitudes of painting techniques, Stan is your man!”
“Great classes for any level of talent. Supportive teacher and class. Excited for next class.”
“Stan has a terrific skill tailoring his feedback for each student. He identifies what each student needs to move their painting ability forward. I have learned so much from Stan!”
“I primarily work in oils but particularly appreciated learning about notan—which I'd never heard of. The speed painting exercises were also beneficial. Stan is seasoned artist with a nice touch.”
“Stan is organized! Planned lessons! Easy to give confidence and encouragement to all ability of art painting students! Stan is a gifted artist 👩🎨 and instructor!”
“An introduction for beginners like me to learn watercolor basics both from the instructor and the more experienced students. Landscapes helped me be successful and produce a few lovely paintings. Enjoyed it a lot and signed up for another of Stan's classes as a result.”
“This was my first experience with watercolors, and I felt that this was a good basis for learning. Stan was encouraging and provided a great learning experience!”
“This class was an outstanding introduction to watercolor basics, while still including instruction for the more advanced students. Stan explains things very clearly and demonstrates each new technique. I plan to take more classes from this instructor.”
“At first, I thought a Zoom art class would not be for me, but now, after taking one thru the Athenaeum, I find—not only do I love the fact that I don’t have to drive in traffic, find a parking space, and tote all sorts of art supplies—but the extra time I have not traveling gives me more time to play around with my art supplies! Also, if the chance for me to travel comes up again, I can STILL attend a Zoom class, no matter where I may be.”
“I am very appreciative of the Athenaeum’s quick, creative and flexible response to the COVID 19 pandemic. You have organized a wonderful selection of classes and with a variety of delivery systems. Your teachers are to be commended for their courage to try something new, for their creativity in presenting lessons in this new format, and for their love of ART and their willingness to move forward into this new COVID 19 world.”
“Being able to take an art class while being in my own studio is the best. No long drives, no searching for parking, no carting art supplies, just fun from the comfort of home. Best silver lining of the quarantine!”
“A very good class for beginners or experienced watercolor students. Stan is patient with questions and classmates were also very helpful with tips on sources of art supplies, techniques and other useful information. It’s helpful for students to come prepared with subjects they’d like to paint and areas of watercolor they’d like to learn about since Stan will help coach them through their projects and provide demonstrations as well during classes.”
“I have taken Stan’s classes for several years and he never ceases to amaze me with his well-planned classes. He always includes information which expands ones’ knowledge of materials, techniques, and the world of art in general. His skill transcends various mediums and I look forward to this art adventure with him with a smile on my face.”
“I want to THANK Stan Goudey taking on the task of a ZOOM class and for being such an insightful, patient, and giving teacher. Your depth of knowledge and your supportive instruction has even valuable and encouraging. I love watching your demonstrations.... every time it’s a magical experience! The Athenaeum is to be commended for adapting to the times and providing us with the opportunities to learn, to express, to create and to stay in the moment with ART. Students have an excellent, wide and varied selection of classes to choose.”
“Practicing art with others under the clear and supportive instruction of Stan Goudey really helped me grow as an artist and focus on something positive and fulfilling in this difficult time. Art and artists heal!”

“The instructor is expert in allowing the students to work at their own pace and yet attempt projects that are at a much higher level than they would have, without that instruction.”
“France-Marie encapsulates a structurally but free artistic expression that is engaging, supportive, and deeply compelling. Her breadth of knowledge of art history and her own experience as an accomplished artist enable her to allow her students the freedom to creatively unfold within the boundaries of an instructor who knows how to create an inspired premise. France-Marie is artistic instruction incarnate. She inspires your creative best self. She makes you believe that you can explore and create. And that’s beautiful.”
“I thoroughly enjoyed the introduction of so many new ideas and ways of working. The class more than fulfilled its promise of creativity and imagination.”
“I strongly recommend classes given by France-Marie Haeger. Her dedication to the needs of the students is outstanding, and her content is always unique and brings out the creative in all students, whether they are beginners or advanced.”
“Something magical happens in class with France-Marie. Her years of experience working with students of all levels of experience combined with her love of art prompts the student to comfortably find the creativity that resides in them. It’s there in each of us and requires a skilled teacher to bring it to the surface! Because of her supportive teaching style, I have never felt intimidated or judged. As an adult this has allowed me to connect with my creativity and lets me call myself an artist!”

“One of the best instructors and many creative participants, who encouraged going into new ideas and places with ones' photography. Having a project to develop over 8 weeks, with feedback from Suda and classmates, pushed me into new ways of seeing.”
“The course and instructor are conducive to creating your own portfolio of work. You are guided but allowed to use your own vision to create a body of work. Critiques are supportive and positive, both from the instructor and the class.”
“I enjoyed taking Suda's class and plan to take future classes. I always get more than I expected from her classes. She has a wealth of information, expertise, and creativity that she shares with the class. It's helped me to reach a higher level in my work as a photographer.”
Instagram: @pmonger
“Each class that I take from this instructor has always provided more than I expected. The instructor brings great insight and experience to each session and class.”
“Suda House, our instructor, never ceases to amaze. Her creativity infuses the class projects with helpful critiques and ideas to expand our abilities and concepts. Participants learn from each other as we build our portfolios and projects.”
“Suda is a superb instructor who mentored each student individually throughout the 8-week course. Through group discussions and critiques, students developed and enhanced their personal photographic style. This course offers an opportunity for photographers with any level of experience to create an in-depth, cohesive portfolio of photographic images.”
“I get so much creativity and direction out of Suda’s class. It’s really inspiring to have such an amazing instructor lead the whole class to do their best work.”
“Amazing instructor who stimulates and supports creativity.”
“Very stimulating.”
“I’m always amazed and intrigued by the number and quality of course offerings from the Athenaeum and when I saw the photography course, “Finding Your Vision...”, I couldn’t resist. I’m glad I didn’t (resist). It’s a joy to connect with like-minded people in the pursuit of one’s artistic vision while learning to appreciate others art and learn from them under the guidance of a competent instructor.”
“Really great class and timely for life during COVID. I had been in a COVID funk and didn’t feel creative. The class combination of Suda House and the book used for the class got me motivated to photograph the flowers in my house. Suda provided valuable feedback during each sharing of our images, and then provided additional comments a follow-up email. The Zoom format did not detract from the class at all. The class got me out of my COVID funk.”
“I enjoyed Suda’s class and learned more than I expected. She’s a great teacher with so much expertise that I’m glad that she will teach another class next year.”
“As always Suda’s class encouraged me into new directions and challenges.”
“Suda House is helpful in guiding your creativity to new levels. She gives as much direction as you wish in a supportive, productive manner.”
“The instructor, Kevin Inman, planned the course well and prepared each class very thoroughly. He listened to students’ requests and was very flexible to modify the course too. His instruction was easy to follow, and we could see his demo online as if we were in a studio. I appreciated his sharing of skills and knowledge in painting so willingly. I would recommend his class to a beginning student as well as student with some painting experience.”
“Kevin’s course explored many very interesting practical applications but also gave us the historical context of our materials and exercises. A fun and supportive experience!”
“As a beginner painter, I learned an incredible amount. The instructor Kevin was not only extremely talented, but he also exposed me to new techniques, processes and ideas. It was a huge learning curve for me, and I loved it. Kevin was very helpful, patient and has motivated me to paint in different ways. Great class.”

“The course provided invaluable information on materials and put everything into a fascinating historical context.”
“Pat Kelly is an EXCEPTIONAL instructor, in person or on Zoom. She is an artist of note who can break down just how to paint, both Directly as in Plein Aire, or Indirectly, as in the Classical Method of Values and Glazing to a finished painting. I’m very happy she lives within the range of San Diego. This course on Zoom has given Pat a format where she can use Power-Point to explain what Plein Aire is and give illustrations of Artists. but she also can critique our work with the images we send to her and her use of correcting with a marker just where we can improve. The whole class benefits with these critiques.”
“I would create another category higher than excellent. Truly outstanding. Pat’s embracing of the new Zoom format has shown her depth and breadth of knowledge, and commitment to teaching even more fully. I feel fully mentored by a MASTER! Considering the format is completely new, I feel that Pat Kelly is continuously working hard to master and extend the usefulness of it. I think that she has been able to impart her knowledge - especially that which is important and understandable by advanced painters more effectively in a group setting with this format because of being able to bring in lots of additional resource materials to the presentation. Also, she can bring resources into her presentations that are specific to each student’s projects and cover a lot of material by having the students send her photos of their work prior to the class. She is also digitally annotating student works as we watch to illustrate ideas for improving our paintings.”
“I have taken three on-line classes so far, with three different instructors. Each has their own approach, but it works! They use cameras for “hands-on” demonstration and use PowerPoint, which has drawing and painting tools, for “whiteboard” demonstrations and to display e-mailed student work for critiques. Zoom is easy to use and there is a short lesson at the beginning of the session to be sure all students know how to use it.”
“Amanda and Pat did an excellent job.”
“Pat is an excellent teacher. She covers Art history, the personal journey of painting and the ‘how to’ of painting. One of the best instructors I’ve ever had.”
“Pat Kelly is an exceptional, caring, kind, patient, and extremely knowledgeable teacher.”
“How can it be that I have been continuously enrolling in Pat Kelly's classes for at least 6 years, and yet; I still pick up something new in every class? A great teacher that recognizes what each student needs at that moment - Pat Kelly is THAT!”
“Pat Kelly’s Still life course is amazing! She teaches art techniques such as composition, color, value and brush stroke. Kelly also gives individual attention to each student, critiquing our artwork every week. She has an uncanny gift for understanding each art students next steps. I have grown tremendously under her mentorship.”
“Pat Kelly is an amazing and incredibly generous teacher, sharing her wealth of knowledge gained from a lifetime of painting. Pat’s teaching style is even better with her dedication to mastering the Zoom/Powerpoint formats to present art history and technical information and to critique our works very effectively. With this online format, every participant may learn from each person’s work as well as from connections to the Masters in her presentations. For the middle to advanced student especially, the learning curve has reached new heights through Pat Kelly’s mastery of this new teaching tool.”
“I began mystery of painting after retiring and my desire was to repurpose my interests by studying painting. Both theory and practical understanding has been met in the courses that Pat Kelly has taught through the Athenaeum. I am looking forward to other areas of study available through the Athenaeum to round out my Art Education.”
“Pat Kelly is an extraordinarily talented painter and instructor. She provides a tremendous amount of information regarding valuable skills needed for successful still life painting. Her shared tips are a godsend!”

“Taking art classes at the Athenaeum has always been one of most favorite things to do for years and years. The classes have never disappointed me, the teachers are very talented and inspirational, and I have grown as an artist so much.”
“I loved the spontaneity of the class and the interaction between students.”
“Jean presents a variety of ways to depict and understand various ways to represent and carry out creative visions of expression in approaching an art project. She addresses fundamental understanding of how to create and carry out new concepts, ie, using different materials and implements to use in the process. She has the ability to teach art to all levels of talent and experience. It matters not one's existing knowledge or experience. She has something for everyone.”
“I learnt a lot from this class, Jean Krumbein is a very encouraging, informative teacher, I highly recommend this to anyone wishing to improve their drawing skills.”

“This class is a fun way to try out new media and to use old media in new ways. Every class was unique, different and interesting. April is a supportive, enthusiastic teacher and a talented artist.”
“Taking April’s Zoom class was so fun and inspiring. She’s such a gifted teacher and illustrator. She demoed many techniques allowing us to play and experiment with materials as well as offering many online links to resources.”
Instagram: @dtinall982020

“I enjoyed Lori’s art class on Zoom so much! More please!!!!!”
“Lori makes drawing fun while at the same time teaches us skills. After each class I am left with both the encouragement and information to keep drawing. She is at the top of her game both as a teacher and as an artist...”
“Lori makes the art of drawing with ink and painting with Watercolor so fun and easy. She offers so much encouragement that you want to keep drawing and painting!”
“Lori Mitchell is an EXCELLENT Instructor, both for pen and ink drawing, and watercolor. Her clear style, and individualized reviews and comments are really helpful. I love taking classes from Lori! More, please!! And ZOOM is a wonderful way to access Lori’s classes. Thank you!!!”
“Lori Mitchell is a fantastic teacher. I’ve taken her class several times and each time I learn something new. She always has new, fresh ideas for projects. Lori is so knowledgeable of drawing and painting and enjoys sharing it with her students. Her enthusiasm for what she teaches is contagious. I highly recommend taking one of Lori’s classes!”
“I have taken many classes with the Athenaeum over the years and all have been excellent, varied and fun.”
“Lori Mitchell is an excellent teacher, full of enthusiasm, immensely helpful and able to work with all levels of students. Lori does a great job of keeping the course as fresh as possible given that many participants are returning students.”
“The style Lori teaches is *exactly* what I was looking for and have tried on my own for ages. In the first course, I’ve learned enough to create a project that ended up being a rather pleasing little vignette. The objectives set for each class built skills to be used for the next assignment so we were able to practice and play our way into an organic final project. Lori is organized, kind, humorous, and patient in her lessons and her feedback is constructive and generous. Between class meetings she sends resource lists and links for inspiration and for acquiring tools beyond the materials list for the course. Excellent course. Excellent instructor.”
“loved the class”
“The staff and instructor were very helpful in explaining how Zoom works and making sure each student was comfortable with the format for an art class. Although I prefer the physical studio, Zoom is the next best way to stay inspired and creative.”
Instagram: @2maymay6
“Lori Mitchell is among the best instructors that I have had over my more than 30 years of studying art. The time that I spend in her classes pay excellent dividends for me as a full-time working artist. Her classes are as appropriate for the first-time art student as well as full-time professional artists.”
“Zoom was a great venue for Lori Mitchell’s Pen and Ink and Watercolor class. Lori was able to both talk through her lessons and feature her demonstrations, both very visible to all. The day we had a live model was a bonus, because we all got the same view of the model (unlike in the classroom, where it depends where you sit). Although I would prefer to be back in the classroom, Zoom is an excellent alternative.”
Instagram: @smgraff1
Twitter: @SGiraffe
“Generally, I can’t take art classes because I live a couple hours from La Jolla, and it would be inconvenient to take a weekly class at the Athenaeum, but using Zoom has been great. Not only can I stay in my own studio, with all my supplies at hand, I don’t have to make a long drive, find parking, etc. Zoom is a good substitute for the classroom.”
“The Zoom format was really successful. We were able to receive instruction and share work easily. We are a community of artists and that community came through.”
“The zoom class was great and Lori did an amazing job of giving us great things to create and so enjoyed the closeness of the class. It was such a success.”
“I have spent 45 years as a high school teacher and administrator. I am currently a professor at CSUSM. Lori Mitchell is one of the finest instructors I have met. Her classroom management is of the highest quality. Lori’s instructional methodology is in full alignment with the latest research in teaching and learning. Her interpersonal skills are filled with nurturing and care. Simply stated, she is at the very top of her instructional game in every way.”
“Staff (Amanda) and instructors (Lori And Jill) we so patient by helping all of us become comfortable using the Zoom format. Any hesitation I had in using the online format was quickly put to rest and I enjoyed the time to have fun and create with inspiring instructors!”
Instagram: @dtindall982020
“Lori’s oozes talent and creativity!! Her lessons are always so innovative, but with fundamentals consistently being covered. She always has a well thought out art activity, she presents a step by step sequence, and always checks to make sure that everyone understands what the process is. Her demonstrations are amazing and inspirational and her feedback is always positive and instructive. She is supportive, informative and always takes the time to encourage each and every one of us on our artistic journey!!! I have appreciated the Athenaeum’s response to the COVID 19 pandemic by so quickly adapting and providing the wide range of art classes using ZOOM. The teachers have done a marvelous job of adapting their lessons, techniques, demonstrations, and feedback during these ZOOM classes. The Athenaeum support staff have been consistently available and supportive when something goes awry. Everyone deserves a big round of applause!!!”
“I took several classes with Lori Mitchell a few years ago, and decided to go back to drawing. Lori is a very good teacher who has the ability to take each student as an individual to help him or her to develop his or her own style and bring an atmosphere of enthusiasm and stimulation during all the classes. Very rare qualities She is without any exaggeration the best art teacher I have studied under.”
“Lori continues to be excellent while changing things up so that each session is new and fresh! Amazing instructor!”
“Love Lori Mitchell’s classes! Can’t wait for the next one!!”
“Lori is an excellent, enthusiastic and caring teacher.”
“I have had three teachers at the Athenaeum: Sharon Carol Demery, Jill Badonsky, and Lori Mitchell. Each has been fabulous! All possess very generous spirits, share so much with students, and give so much encouragement and affirmation. I’m blown away!”
“Support and encouragement are hallmarks of Lori’s classes. She excels at gentle guidance, allowing each student to refine techniques and make remarkable growth as an artist as the term progresses!”
“Lori’s Class “Loose and Easy” is about enjoying the process of creating art, sharing ideas with classmates and finding your artistic niche.”
“While Zoom itself depends on our own computer’s cameras and our techno-abilities, it provides a forum where the companionship and class-room experience is fully present. I don’t know what I would’ve done during the darkest days without these classes.”
“Interesting ideas and information shared by the instructor and fellow students. Fun!”
Instagram: @mbpullin

“Robyn Bottomley and I took Cliff’s class… excellent. It has opened my iPhone to new creativity. ZOOM is for every skill set. It is perfect for presentation and interactive training. I was able to immediately apply Cliff’s recommendation and see results. Cliff is an excellent instructor.”
“Loved it. We are all finding our own way.”
“The Zoom format actually made it easier for the class to meet since we didn’t have to leave home. We were able to submit our photos for critique online as well, and that made it much easier to see everyone’s work and learn directly.”
“The Zoom format made it extremely easy to learn and experiment with the material. I think it’s an ideal combination of the social experience of being in a class and the privacy and comfort of being in my own home.”

“In addition to being a very knowledgeable photographer, Ernesto is an interested and accomplished instructor. He is able to communicate effectively, regardless of the student's level.”
“Wow is all I can say. Ernesto is knowledgeable, engaging, sweet, patient and super talented. He was so much fun to be with also.”
“This is a perfect course for photographers interested in finding and capturing special views of San Diego, and also developing your creative eye through instruction and group feedback.”
“If you interested in photography not worry the right place for you is Athenaeum school helped me in that time that I’m need and I really enjoyed it, it really amazing just try it and see I promise you going to love. Thank you.”
“Ernesto’s enthusiasm makes this class interesting and exciting. My understanding of the workings of my camera has gone to a whole new level.”
“So much of what is happening in the world is out of our control right now. But having the opportunity to learn and improve a skill we’re passionate about is a true luxury. Online classes can be scary, but I encourage you to take a leap of faith for all those who can’t.”
“I was amazed at how well the Zoom course was developed and managed. I’m thankful the online opportunity presented itself just at the time I needed it. Once we’re back will be great but I think online courses should be available also.”
Instagram: @stem_girlz
Twitter: @stem_girlz

“Enjoyed the time spent with other artists, sharing ideas and working quietly together in a creative environment.”
“It is a delight to be in one of Sibyl Rubottom’s classes. She leads with a positive attitude and all students’ work is recognized whether they are experienced artists or first time beginners. There is a camaraderie in the class between students and with Sibyl. It might not seem possible working through Zoom, but it is real. Sibyl Rubottom is experienced at drawing, painting, book arts, graphic design and sewing. She is a quilt maker, and has designed and hand painted quilts, wall hangings and pillows. She uses the sashiko technique.”
“I loved the class and found it inspired me to create. I also enjoyed the project the other members of the class shared on zoom. I was grateful for the online class, and would not have been able to attend otherwise. Thank you for offering this course.”
“Wonderful, thoughtful, caring, clear instructions, the class became friends very quickly on line, Sibyl really knows her subject matter.”
“My first Zoom class experience and it was wonderful. A small, friendly, and enthusiastic group sharing their love for altering books. Sibyl is a knowledgeable and enthusiastic teacher. I look forward to taking another class in the fall.”
Instagram: @plloyddtz
“I was interested in the collage class (when it was slated to be offered in person) but could not attend as I live in Long Beach. When it shifted to an online format I was able to join. At first I wondered how we could fill 3 hours of time together on Zoom, but the time flies. We learned new techniques, shared our work (easily done using the Share Screen function), and spent time collaging in real time. The online format also allowed other artists to join our class to talk about their work, something that would have been difficult to accomplish if we met in person as many artists don’t live locally or would not have been able to make the trip to the studio. Doing the class online also allowed us to see “inside” the artists’ studio. We were able to see Sybil’s studio and the ways she organizes her work space. Other positives include no commute time, a relaxing environment where we all had access to our own tools at home. I’m a big fan of the online class. Keep them coming as I will continue to register!”
Instagram: @bethmanke
“In addition to wonderful art training, we signed on for a Zoom training and it made everything so much easier. This class was a two-fer!”
“Lauren Siry had a knack for coaxing out our creativity while also giving us tools and techniques to enhance our expression.”
“Lauren provides a supportive experience in pushing my envelope of comfort in the creative process.”
“Lovely course.”
“Lauren’s class introduced us to interesting contemporary artists’ work and methods of creativity. Her comments on our weekly art assignments were insightful and spot on. Nice use of shared google drive for the artwork reviews.”
Instagram: @wheatharvest

“Anna's one of the best instructors I've had at the Athenaeum. Her classes were well organized and we covered a broad range of techniques in an interesting and educational way. I came away from this class really feeling like I built some skills.”

“Excellent one on one critiques.”
“Love that I can still enjoy an art class and learn from the comfort of my own home!”