Thursday, September 12, 2024
7:30 PM
“Art is a mirror held up to the society which birthed it, a whisper from long ago history. It is a code message sent to a timeless future: this is who we were; what we believed; what we valued.”
In the second week, we examine in greater depth the paintings the Dutch loved to see on their walls: landscapes that evoke a land dearly wrested from the sea; still lifes ranging from glorious floral bouquets sparkling with butterflies to dour skulls and smoking candles; genre painting that presents often humorous portrayals of everyday people and everyday lives; and, of course, brilliant portraiture from the easels of artists like Rembrandt and Frans Hals. Dazzling art, to be sure, but also puzzling. How is it that this flat and uninspiring land gives birth to landscapes? Or that this newly minted Protestant nation produces still lifes suffused with religious symbolism? Or that this sober and reserved society invents genre painting, evidence of a people able to laugh at themselves.
About Linda Blair:
Linda Blair has taught art history for many years, at the La Jolla Athenaeum and UC San Diego Osher; she was a docent at The Cloisters. She holds a BA from Mills College and an MA from USD. She is an active volunteer at UC San Diego, dedicated to raising scholarship funds.
Tickets: $16/21
The lecture will be in person at the Athenaeum Music & Arts Library. There are no physical tickets for this event. Your name will be on an attendee list at the front door. Doors open at 7 p.m. Seating is first-come; first-served. This event will be presented in compliance with State of California and County of San Diego health regulations as applicable at the time of the lecture.