Mural Member

Mural Member


An annual donation of $1,000 or more entitles you to the following benefits:

✔ An invitation to the Annual Mural Parking Lot Party

✔ Email notification when a new mural has been installed

✔ Inclusion on the Murals of La Jolla and Athenaeum websites*

✔ A complimentary membership to the Athenaeum Music & Arts Library

✔ Inclusion on the Athenaeum donor list in one of the bi-monthly Athenaeum newsletters as well as all chamber, jazz, and contemporary music concert programs for a year*

*Names will be withheld upon request.

Join / Renew
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Murals of La Jolla Book

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On Planet Earth: Travels in an Unfamiliar Land

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La Jolla Year by Year by Howard S. F. Randolph

100 WORKS & 100 BOOKS: Selected Works and Artists’ Books from Exhibitions and the Permanent Collection of the Athenaeum Music & Arts Library, 1991–2022 IMG_2462 (1).jpeg

100 WORKS & 100 BOOKS: Selected Works and Artists’ Books from Exhibitions and the Permanent Collection of the Athenaeum Music & Arts Library, 1991–2022

Essential Human Anatomy for Artists by Ken Goldman

Essential Human Anatomy for Artists by Ken Goldman
